HAPPY NEW YEAR to all and best wishes for a year filled with joy, good health, and prosperity!!
It’s good to be “back” and time for reflection and future planning. This blog began in May 2009 and today is my 260th post. In that time, I’ve reviewed a dozen art theory books and we’ve had some rip-roarin’ discussions that have greatly enhanced my understanding. I’m grateful to all of you who, through your participation, have helped me gain a broader perspective by generously sharing your own. My intent is to keep on keepin’ on!
The past three weeks have been devoted to a big change in my life. “Hubby” just retired and we’re in the process of selling our NY home in order to move to Maine. We’re exhausted from sorting through our possessions and fixing up the house. However, most of the work is done and now it’s a matter of finding a buyer. So, now I’m free to return to my studio and the blogosphere. Yippee!!
I’ve packed up all my art theory books and moved them to Maine, so my source material will change for a little while. But, that’s not a problem since there’s so much to think about anyway. Today, I’m inspired by the New Year and what it could bring. When I think about how to proceed, I’m reminded of a quote attributed to Pablo Picasso:
What one does is what counts and not what one had the intention of doing.
Truly, this applies to artmaking and to the art of living. So, my New Year’s resolution is to put hands and feet to my intentions more frequently. Picasso’s wisdom coupled with the old adage that “procrastination is the thief of time” reminds me to get going! My intentions will die with me, but the results of what I’ve done will live on. I’m off to the studio …
What’s your New Year’s resolution?
HAPPY NEW YEAR!! I've missed you. I bought the Dewey book - ponderous - I've got through page 2.
Congratulations on your move! Hope (for our sake) that the internet connection there will be good.
I laughed at your Picasso quote since it was so close to the Yoda quote in my post "Do or do not; there is no try," and my subsequent comment that to talk about it without doing is worse.
I have so many ideas for the new year, so little time, but my main art resolution is to go BIG. Since I've been doing most of my stuff in Moleskines, going big could be notebook paper size, lol.
So best wishes for a wonderful and happy new year in your new home.
Ok, where in Maine are you moving to? I'm in Poland Spring. It's a state filled with artist and for good reason. May your move go well. What a great way to begin a new year! Blessings.
Yeah! You're back!
Congrats to the Hubs for the big life change and what a job getting everything done. You've been busy.
I can't imagine you ever procrastinating Kathy because if you do it doesn't show AT ALL.
I plan to do more drawing this year.
Welcome back! You were missed.
Happy New Year, Kathy, and I do hope your house sells so you can settle in for more artmaking and arttalking without that in the background.
Congrats to you and yours for the retirement move. Thanks for getting back to us, and be good to yourselves in this time of change.
Happy New Year Kathy! I'm going to have to copy that quote down...with Yoda's interpretation too! Wow! Big change. Maine has always seemed interesting. For this year, I thought I'd encourage myself to explore and experiment all as a part of "learning to see"! Happy 260!
Hi Kathy nice to see you back. I'm with Picasso!
Hi Kathy. What a great resolution--for art and for life. I hope your move goes smoothly (you seem so organized) but big changes are not always easy. Have a great 2011.
I resolve to paint in 2011 - a lot.
Thanks for the new quote to add to my collection, "My intentions will die with me, but the results of what I've done will live on." Outstanding!
Happy New Year, Kathy! I hope everything settles in quickly for you and 'hubby'. Enjoy!
I'm so glad you are back, Kathy! oooo I have been to Maine. My ex husband used to live in Orono--so I got to visit there (and a few other places). I am excited for you--when I visited all I could think of is how wonderful it would be to live there.
I do not have any resolutions! Perhaps my resolution is to not make resolutions..haha. I am always interested in improving my skills!
Happy New Year, and I look forward to continuing to follow and learn from your blog in 2011. I am not a resolution maker, I also just do it!
Hi Dan - yes, the Dewey book is dense. Good luck! There are gems in there worth mining for. As for the internet connection, we'll be resolving that problem! The cable company doesn't serve that particular area, but I think we can persuade them. I couldn't live without reading Dan Kent's posts every week!! BTW - love the Yoda quote :-) yeah ... go BIG!!
Hi Susan - We'll be getting together for sure!
Hi Pam - can't wait to see your new drawings! I'm a big fan of PAMO :-)
Hi Rhonda - thank so much. It would be nice to have a normal schedule again. thanks!
Hi Casey - sage advice! Thanks.
Hi Peggy - your explorations are wonderful and I look forward to your 2011 adventure!
Hi Mark - you ARE with Picasso. I've never seen anyone work as hard as you.
Hi Hallie - I've tried to be organized and that helps. It's the reality of having to deal with all this stuff! But, it's almost over. Thanks!
Hi Don - I have no doubt that you'll be painting a LOT in 2011! And, I'll be watching :-)))
Hi Celeste - Orono is beautiful. We're not that far from there ... our home is along the mid-coast region. Can't wait to see all your new creations!!
Hi Robin - Thanks! I guess you don't need a NY's resolution if you're a do-er :-) I like your attitude!
Happy New year and wish you wonderful art adventures in your new place :)
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