A moment ago, while reading Carolyn Abram's inspiring post http://carolinamoonarts.blogspot.com/ , I began to ponder about her New Year's resolution for her art, and realized that I haven't yet made one. So, I'll take this opportunity to work on it and return to Roberts' book tomorrow. Like Carolyn, I want to advance my work. But, which doorway should I enter? Which stairway should I climb? Which corridor will lead me to my goal? Typically, my approach is through experimentation, practice, and scholarship.
Perhaps I should tap into my inner-child like Hallie http://artingaroundinsova.blogspot.com/ , and utilize my intuition more, like Margaret http://www.margaretryall.blogspot.com/.
I could experiment with texture like Don http://www.donmichaeljr.com/blog/ and sketch more frequently like Peggy http://peggy.stermer-cox.com/, Pam http://pamoart.blogspot.com/ and Dan http://danscanvas.blogspot.com/.
It would be interesting to try my hand at landscape painting once again like Celeste http://celestebergin.blogspot.com/ , or glean more from the genius of daVinci and Van Gogh like Casey http://thecolorist.blogspot.com/.
More experimentation with materials and techniques, like Myrna http://myrnawacknov.blogspot.com/ and Mike http://mebaileyart.blogspot.com/ would be interesting, and so would be tackling enormous projects like Ken http://goldmanfineart.blogspot.com/.
I could spend more time appreciating the beauty of life and friendships while producing meaningful and personal art, like Egmont http://theartistwithinus.blogspot.com/.
And, there are so many more of you that I could emulate that the number of choices seem unlimited. Perhaps my resolution should be to enter every doorway, climb every set of stairs, and walk every corridor that time will allow in 2010 and see what happens. Maybe I shouldn't be specific at all, and maybe I should also concentrate on discovering the answers to Ben Shahn's questions: "What kind of person am I?" and "What kind of art coincides with who I am?"
Would you like to share your New Year's resolutions in art?
Isn't it wonderful to have access to blogs? My personal and artistic life has been so enriched this year in so many ways. I love how you weaved in all your options based on the blogs you follow- mine included. Interesting how one never thinks of oneself as an opportunity for learning!
As for my resolution for the new year. I plan to "show up" more thanks to your writing and I've begun to systematically explore new ways to market my work.
With this painting, you've definitely tapped into my dreams of Escher-like stairs and no way of reaching the next level.
I'm hoping--not resolving--to get through some of those forken (my verification word) locked doors during 2010.
I consider your blog one of my blessings of 2009.
Dear Katharine,
The last seven months since I have started blogging, I have been exposed to so much wonderful art and different opinions that this has only enriched me as a person and artist. It has also allowed me to re-evaluate my own art and its purpose.
When I stumbled across your blog Katharine, I knew I had found a place that I had been seeking in my own backyard so to speak and unable to find, even within my local art groups.
I have always longed for the discussion groups where ideas and experiences are equally shared, this I have found here at your blog Katharine.
In regards to any New Years resolutions, I feel I must first overcome some roadblocks, some loose ends before I can make any plans for 2010. However, once I am free to move forward, it is to finally produce a series of art that does not end up hanging on my walls but is offered for sale and parted with. A huge step for me.
All the best to you and your family for the coming year,
Please forgive my lack of manners this morning as I have failed to acknowledge your kind words and observations about my art and me.
I thank you Katharine and the link to my portfolio blog.
What a wonderfully gracious tip-of-the-hat to several of us blogging buddies out here in the etherworld. If I made New Year Resolutions I'd be following your lead. I learned a long time ago not to make resolutions... It's always a bummer when you fail to live up the expectations you make for yourself when you're high on holiday spirits - both figurative and literal. So, I set goals as I see the need. I'm in the midst of some of my goals right now and we'll see what the next ones will be as they arrive.
I agree with everyone who mentioned how much this blog has meant to us. I second Hallie's statement... this blog HAS been a blessing.
Oh, yeah... I forgot to mention how much I enjoyed wandering thru "Linden Hall". What a fun painting! Was this one of your stops in your continued education? I get the sense of a school, of learning, of trying to find one's way with so many choices and no clear sense of what's next. I notice all the doors are closed. I hope you've been able to kick a few of them open over the years. -Don
Thank you Kathy! Most clever and interesting! I was trying to think of ONE resolution that might work for me. I think from you, I might learn the value of a little bit more analysis. The kind of analysis that comes with thoughtful observation, education and practice!
I thoroughly enjoy the comments from all the other comments.
Wow, I am all smiles - ear to ear - so honored am I to be included among your possible resolutions! My resolution (at least by month 6 or so) is to do more substantial work - paintings, like you. Another resolution is to catch up on your posts - I am so behind (family stuff) and I am becoming ignorant! Both of these resolutions will help me to grow.. :) Love your painting! Great illustration for this particular post.
Hi Margaret - Yes, it IS wonderful! Showing up and marketing are great goals for 2010!
Hi Hallie - You go girl!! Can't wait to see doors lying all over the floor with the hinges knocked off :)
Hi Egmont - Thank you for helping all of us make this blog a meeting place for interesting discussions! Thank you for sharing your resolution. It looks like a whole bunch of us will be searhcing for new ways to market out work. I'll pass along the tidbits I know as well. Perhaps this is a good forum for us to help each other.
Hi Pam - thanks for commenting on the painting. I did it for my first Alma Mater, Linden Hall School for Girls in Pennsylvania, where it's on permanent display. It's an honor and privilege to be a part of your journey in 2010!
Hi Don - thank you for helping make this blog "home" for so many of us. Isn't it great that we've formed this little family?? I look forward to chatting with each of you every day. The Linden Hall painting was intended as a gift to the school, along with eight other tiny painting (8" x 10" watercolors) that the school sold for nearly $20K to raise money for their scholarship fund. It was great to be able to help this amazing institution that did so much for me. You enter the painting through the top blue door, which is the entrance we all used to interview at the school before admission. The stairs and doors leading to corridors were all part of our daily lives and reflect our 4 year pathway until graduation. The red door at the bottom is the one we all marched through for graduation. Thanks for noticing! This school is the oldest girl's school in the nation, founded in 1746. (OK - no jokes about how I was in the first graduating class!)
Hi Peggy - Oh, I think you're already a master at analysis! I've seen your work :)
Hi Dan - good to hear from you again! Family is very important, so take all the time you need to catch up. It'll be great to see your new work :)
Thanks all, for another wonderful discussion!
Kathy, thank you for including me in your blog today. Your intellectual processing is impressive and I know the coming year will find you moving even farther ahead with your goals.
One goal I decided on this coming year is to work in watermedia vertically. This will require some interesting adjustments and we'll see what results. Just writing things down and then putting the sheet aside creates surprising progress. I look forward to your posts in the coming year.
Hi Myrna - I'm always fascinated by your experiments, and look forward to seeing work on the vertical from you this year! Thanks :)
Hi Kathy, i so appreciate being included in your blog writings and am amazed at the unique way you were able to pull out the strengths of each of our blogging friends. I will need to visit each site to view and revel in all of this insightful artwork. I have been a goal oriented person most of my life but most recently have thoroughly enjoyed "being led" by some unknown force that has led me to where i am now. I am happy to see that a small part of you would like to "not be so specific" and "discover" more of your art self. I can only feel that the combination of goals and allowing discovery will be a powerful force in your art.
Hi Carolyn - Thanks so much for your supportive comments! It's good to see your work posted on your blog, and I hope lots of folks will visit and take a look!
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