Saturday, June 5, 2010

Getting it Done

Weekends are for posting thoughts other than book reviews. So, I'll tell you what's been on my mind lately. Mostly, I'm overwhelmed by a hectic schedule. However, I won't complain because it's all good stuff:

June 14th
Load the car with lots of paintings and painting supplies and drive to my home/studio in Maine.

June 17th
Hang a solo show at the Port Clyde Art Gallery and distribute invitations (posters are already up and news releases done).

June 21st
Drive to New Hampshire and teach a painting workshop at the Gibson House.

June 25th
Return to Maine attend the opening night of my exhibition at the Port Clyde Art Gallery.

July through October
Teach weekly painting workshops and art business seminars for the Coastal Maine Art Workshops.

August 3rd
Hang a second solo show in New York and attend opening night at the Viewpoint Gallery

August 6 - 8th
Teach painting workshop in Old Forge, New York

Back to Maine

September 12th
Fly to Wisconsin to teach a week-long painting workshop at Dillman's

Back to Maine

September 24th
Drive to Pennsylvania to teach another workshop at Buck's County Art Workshops

Back to Maine

All Summer & Fall
Produce more paintings
Enter and (hopefully) ship my work to competitions
My work is featured in three books that will be published this summer, so I need to help the publishers distribute and advertise them.

End of October
Return to New York for the winter. Whew!

In the midst of this hectic schedule I'll try to keep blogging with all of you, my favorite people!! I hope your summer will be more relaxing than mine.
P.S. The photo is of my husband and me last weekend on a remote island in Penobscot Bay, Maine. The only inhabitants are seagulls and seals.


  1. Unbelievable! However, this is what it takes to make to be successful in the art world. Very few can sit on their laurels and be discovered by some rich benefactor.I applaud your drive and ambition!

  2. Whew is right! I know you will manage all of this good stuff and find time to paint and read.

  3. Now that's busy. I feel almost guilty because summers are my time to paint, paint and paint. It's winter when I am driven by other aspects of my art career. As my granddaughter says ... "You can do it"

  4. Wow, Kathy! And I thought I'd been busy! Well, actually, I have been... Sorry I haven't been around to comment on your insightful posts the last few days. I HAVE done a quick read-through and feel smarter for it.

    I'll miss you during those days, and possibly weeks, of blogging silence which I know will be coming. I wish you many successes with all of these adventures.

    Thanks for the photo and the opportunity to "meet" the lucky guy in your life. I had an olfactory memory as I saw you guys standing on the rocks there by the sea. Thanks for that...


  5. WOW Kathy- that is some schedule! A very exciting one at that. The photo of you and hubby is awesome! You look so relaxed and at home. I look forward to your posts- but when you're not around- I'll certainly understand. Let us know when the books featuring your work come out.
    As an aside Kathy- I've met some wonderful people through you and because of your blog. You are quite the facilitator of artistic thought and discussion- whether we agree, disagree or whatever. Thank you for that- it is meaningful.

  6. Whew here too! Wow! Well Pam has said it all. thank you for such an enlightening and exciting season of blogging. Don't forget to enjoy all the places you will go!

  7. You go girl! That is GOOD busy!

    And what a great photo of you and your husband. I'm wishing you all the best with your endeavors this summer.

  8. Greta photo!

    I'm tired just thinking about your schedule.

  9. Hi Eva - I'm still looking for that rich benefactor :-)

    Hi Hallie - yes, I'll make time to keep up with painting an reading. Most of my painting occurs during the winter, but I usually complete several pieces over the summer as well.

    Hi Margaret - your granddaughter is a motivator!!

    Hi Don - I'll try to keep reading and blogging over the summer, but it won't be daily. My hubby is a gem, and I'm the lucky one!!

    Hi Pam - Thanks so much! It's wonderful commenters like you who've made this blog meaningful. I truly enjoy the dialogue and hope to keep it up even if it's not every day.

    Hi Carolyn - yes, indeed - enjoyment everywhere is my goal!Thank you.

    Hi Stan - Thank you!

    Hi Casey - Thank you!
