Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Conversations Between Artists

I spent all day yesterday driving to my home in Maine and unpacking art supplies for my studio. In the evening, one of my dear friends who is a noted American sculptor stopped by to "talk art." I love these informal conversations over a bottle of wine. We discuss what we're doing and why. We exchange ideas about doing the business of art. We share our dreams about the possibilities that the future may bring. I'm 58 years old, she's 83. Between us we have one hundred years of experience in fine art, but have retained the innocence and optimism of fledgling artists who see a long road ahead with endless possibilities.

Conversations between artists are important. In them we find kindred spirits and understanding. We find the kernels of truth that lead to authenticity in our work. We learn from each other, and we challenge each other. Most of all, we support each other. Aside from artmaking, that's the most important thing we can do.

When's the last time you had a meaningful conversation with another artist? How did it impact or influence you?


  1. As a senior citizen artist myself, I am curious about the aspirations of a noted 83 year old sculptor. You are so fortunate to have such a wise and wonderful friend. Except for going to lectures, workshops, blogs etc. The last time I had a "meaningful" one on one conversation with another artist was when I hosted a 'Creative Women' fireside chat one Holiday season.It was wonderful.

  2. I have them most everyday with you and other great bloggers. I realize that isn't the same as doing so in person- but it sure has changed my artistic life.
    A beautifully written post today Kathy!

  3. I don't think I've ever sat down with another artist and had a conversation about art. I do run into an artist friend at the grocery store; we pull our carts to the side (mine with junk food--hers with healthy stuff) and talk for half an hour about our work.

    In MD I met with sculptors often; no art talk, though--just laughter.

  4. Hi Eva - my 83-year old friend is still an active sculptor. She produces at least a dozen pieces a year and every year, including this year, her work is included in museum shows both nationally and internationally as well as gallery shows. She's extremely busy! Wish I could keep up with her. She plans to keep going untiil her last breath - a great role model for me!

    Hi Pam - I enjoy my conversations with you and all my blogging pals as well. It's enriching! Thank you.

    Hi Hallie - interesting! Most of the artists I know can't stop talking about their work.

  5. Thank you for sharing that story with us. I'll look for an experience like that, soon.

    Except, I'm more likely to find someone to talk farming with!

  6. The last time was at Panera Bread with you Kathy, my friend!

  7. Ditto Pamo! I communicate with artists all of the time online, and - who would of thought it? - it is meaningful. I look forward to finding a kindred spirit in art one day in my real life, to converse with at least once - yet another exciting possibility the future may bring.

  8. Kathy, I am so lucky because I often talk to artists twice a week, Tuesdays and Thursdays when we meet for coffee or breakfast. There is only one rule...the conversation has to be about art. If anyone starts talking about their car insurance or something someone just asks "what have you been doing ---artfully?" and everyone gets back on track again. I never realized how special the artist-to-artist conversation is until I experienced it for myself. If that weren't enough, I also get to visit with my "regular" blogging friends too. I am truly blessed!

  9. I have many artist friends and meaningful conversations with some of them. Meaningful is such a relative term.

  10. Blogging has connected me to so many fellow artists and has created some lively, insightful and inspiring conversations. I have found this quite impactful at times. I've even told friends of mine that it's like an e-coffee house for artists. It's our Greenwich Village - our Cafe' Guerbois...

    Not too long ago I had a great conversation with a fellow artist via telephone which lasted for quite a while. The cool thing is, she and I have never met, but have found ourselves to be kindred spirits. We even exchanged art. I find her work inspiring and actually have it prominently displayed in my studio where I can relive our conversations while finding inspiration as I gaze upon it.

    I guess, when I really think about, any opportunity to talk or otherwise correspond about art is meaningful and inspiring to me.


  11. Hi Casey - farming is a good topic, too!!

    Hi Carolyn - yes, indeed! We had many great conversations over the past eight months!

    Hi Dan - serendipity has brought many great people into my life, including you and all my blogging buddies. You never know who'll pop up next!

    Hi Celeste - you are blessed! I like the way your group functions. Perfect!

    Hi Stan - yes, meaningful is a relative term and only we can judge if it is so. I like to think that all conversations have the potential to be meaningful. After all, I'm partially responsible for the conversations I engage in.

    Hi Don - I remember a similar conversation/experience ;-) And, I do like the way conversations have evolved in blogger-land. Perhaps we'll all meet one day!
