Friday, May 15, 2009

The Fibonacci Spiral

Lately, I've been very interested in applying Renaissance mathematical proportions to my work. As an exercise, I created these two paintings and will incorporate them into larger and more complex paintings. The composition is based upon the Fibonacci Spiral, which is constructed from the Fibonnaci Series that was formulated by Leonardo of Pisa (a.k.a. Fibonacci) who lived from 1175-1230 AD. This mathematical series is a system of expanding size relationships that are connected with the "Golden Section." It's actually a summation series, where each number in the series is the sum of the two previous ones, and any number divided by the previous one equals 1.618. That ratio is foundational to dividing the composition in order to establish the spiral. If anyone's interested, I can send you the details about how I applied this ratio to my paintings.


  1. Thanks, Kathy, for visiting my blog! Your egg series is very interesting! And, your concept workshop sounds wonderful. I'll have to stop by again and see what you've come up with next.

  2. Wow, I find this quite intriguing. I remember reacting quite strongly to both of these paintings when you posted them on ASB. I would love to see your process of applying this theory to these paintings. Thanks, -Don

  3. Hi Don, I'll be happy to email you, by attachment, the explanation. I'll go to your website and see if your email address is posted there. Thanks!

  4. that pilot painting you commented on has the golden ratio applied to it. i love using math in my paintings whether or not people realize it. (i was a math major in college). I love love love your work!!!!

  5. I too am fascinated with Fibonacci numbers. It's very interesting to see how you applied them, resulting in these beautiful paintings.
